Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Maquette time! (sneak peek)

Some photos of the maquette I made this afternoon, using the drawings I did on illustrator the other day. Still wrapping my brain round this idea of using metal, but getting there!

So now I know the measurements I need, I can finish the designs to be sent off and cut from steel!

(Amy Winehouse)

Friday, 23 March 2012

Mouldmaking yesterday

Dinosaur Planter. Just for fun!

So i saw this image in Pinterest
and i thought wow i wanna try that! but since.. y'know I have clay?!? why not make a ceramic one, rather than plastic!

here's the start of my stegosaurus, hopefully it wont crack and can have houseleeks and aloevera planted in it's back and tail.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Decoupage sunday - screen

Sort of been collecting images for a long time now, like so many people do, So happy because.. suddenly i have a vision... in these old old crafts magazines, (golden hands, creative ideas??) saw a Decoupage screen idea (like 3 hinged panels) theirs was all images with flowers and pre-raphaelite pixies etc, mine, is a little cruder, but i cant wait to get some hardboard and get on with it! (these pictures are the attempt to arrange what i've collected so far)

Saturday, 17 March 2012

little piece of the source sheet i made for the students at UCF (University College Falmouth)

Me at the Talk on 'BUSINESS DAY'
Here's part of the handout...

Went down a treat, even if they already knew some of it, it hopefully helped!

John Soane Museum (Art, sculpture, Antiquities) London
Pitt Rivers Museum (Weapons, Toys, Ceramics, Jewellery, Shrunken heads etc…) Oxford
Bethnal Green V&A Childhood Museum (Toys, History, Current exhibition on magic and fantasy) London
The Last Tuesday Society (‘Curiosity Shoppe’ Freaky Stuff, Friendly not too scary). (Lectures too) London
CAA (contemporary Applied Arts) (near British Museum)
Contemporary Ceramics Centre (very near British Museum)
M I N T (design/art store/gallery, really friendly, near V&A, very inspiring) Ceramics Tools/Materials Ceramics Tools/Materials Online and Print Magazine (great for opps!)
( (has a lot of listings competitions, open calls etc) (has a lot of listings competitions, open calls etc) (Great for looking up galleries) (A sort of Facebook for Makers) (similar to ebay, keep an eye out for bargains/studio equipment) (Free stuff, have to join a group/area, good for basic studio stuff, tables etc..) Advice on Business registering for self assessment (tax return, being self employed) (Good for easy-ish websites, using templates, have to request invite, fairly informal)

Independent Store Guide (got mine from Lazy Oaf London, Selling online too)
Second steps
Running a Workshop: Basic Business for Craftspeople

picture from Jason, here's the UCF blog

Falmouth UCF careers talk, end of hothouse

Hothouse had finished (boo hoo!) end of February was the reflection session
At the shiny new goldsmiths centre in London, it all went swimmingly with everyone giving a 3 min presentation.
'Networking' :D with tortie and ellen

So fantastic to see how everyone has evolved in just a few short months, went so fast, but I feel so excited and driven to make more, do more and sell more!... like everyone else I’m sure! I do recommend the hothouse programme, (link) for emerging makers. Keep an eye out on the crafts council website, and do spread the word. I can’t say enough good stuff about it!
We on the North cohort are hoping to have a show together later this year and maybe go to France together too! Shows you can make business contacts and friends at the same time (cheesy line I know)

In other news, the kiln had a little hiccup, but as of this week, it is raring to go full of work to be bisque fired, can’t wait to get glazing again! clive shellard came to fix it, and i gave him some biscuits in return.

kiln kiln kiln

The studio is even MORE finished now with the addition of blinds and a couple more shelves (amazing how studio space gets used up so fast)

I also went back to Falmouth last week, visited a couple of old haunts from university times, can’t resist a pint of grandmas ‘weapons grade’ ginger beer (worth a visit to Fal just for that trust me, it’ll blow your head off!)
The reason for the visit was to give a Careers talk to the third years, wee bit nervous, but as I was planning I realised how much I’ve achieved in less than two years and it felt really good to give a bit back to the Uni, the feedback was great and I also created a handout/source sheet for the students.
Beautiful Falmouth!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Off to Falmouth, careers talk!

My friend Ellen Thomas brought this to my attention!

Kate moross has had an amazing journey so far and great inspiration for my careers talk on friday in falmouth!

I've got to talk to two groups of 90. ahh wish me luck :D