Friday, 25 May 2012

Bent Steel and Jelly Beans

Very happy and productive today, Bisque firing on with my Mexican tree of life inside.

So here's Kurt Cobain in steel. got bending today.
Shadow here shows you what it will look like when painted black.

Here's the urn/jar/vase (anything but 'pot'), looks a bit light here, but it's green mottled all over,
because of the copper carbonate sprayed over the glaze.

Test in pink of the paint, nice and even, also separately sprayed concrete underneath,
looks like nougat!

here's a face pot i made a while ago, bit squashed, but perfect home for my new
'jelly bean plant' (Sedum rubrotinctum)
it will go more red in the sun :)

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Decal matter

not a pretty picture really, the state of my desk and floor, it's taken three days to cut out all these decal transfers.

Good news is... tomorrow i'll get glazing (mayb monday... day of rest and all that) and soon i'll be another step closer to my brand spanking new work being finished!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Sorry John Henry, I got a machine to do it.

Got the steel cut! Took about month to get the drawings right and lots of £££££ but now I have something to work with, very happy with the result, can't wait to get bending and painting.

For my new body of work on the 27 club.

Sad stories, but all left behind beautiful art/music.

Here is one of my recent glaze tests,
what the words really mean is a mystery.. I need to make better notes.

This is some glaze with red food dye added, very red, soaked right through, but then after firing, there was nothing left, Bingo! now when I glaze I can see where I've been.


Thursday, 17 May 2012

King Tut

Under glaze pencil, quick drawings to test.


Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Find comfort in Fimo

With NINE A3 sheets of complicated decals to cut out,
I thought I'd have another think about the tool I'm using.

Fimo For Function

Mmm, Comfy

My index finger already hates me after knitting that dinosaur in 3 days.

Look after your hands!

Spag Bol

Great stop motion by Pes.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Last official buddy chat

Over the last few months I have had 15 hours with the lovely Claire Loder through the hothouse buddy scheme. It's been more than a little bit useful, she's very inspiring and insightful.

Glad to wear glasses

The last 90 minutes went very fast, lots of talk of temporary tattoos, mosaics and metal.

Some of the bits and pieces I've made with an eye to mosaic them soon.

Sad that's it's over, but we both promised to keep in touch.

Seventh Heron

Lovely walk in Regents park the other day
saw seven herons (atleast)

Best picture of the week maybe

see if you can spot them all.

sat on a bench with michael and started reading this book I bought in the welcome collection shop

full of so many great ideas!! i want to do them all!
-send a message in a bottle
-cook and eat a 9 course meal with friends
-write down everything that really makes you laugh

...just a few!!

'Brains' at the welcome collection was great by the way, make sure you try and see it.

Monday, 7 May 2012