Monday Off to Oxford.. fairly Early... to go to the Pitt Rivers Museum which was AMAZING! SO MUCH STUFF!!, pub lunch with the gang and pilgrimage to kripsy kreme donuts and the coach back, amersham arms comedy club in the evening (Liam Williams was the best).
Tuesday, off the SHINY NEW GOLDSMITHS CENTRE, for the last ver 11/12 hothouse, reflection day, but sad but i think it all went great, and I know I'll the north cohort again many times in the future. we might be having an exhibition together at some point?? watch this space.
Tuesday evening, all 30 odd of us managed to cram into this place in clerkenwell. which was great.
Wednesday evening caught up with my friend Ella, went for dinner and a drink but she had to catch up on some sleep after working so much before London Fashion Week. But i got to give her her birthday present!
Thursday, i went to Bethnal Green Childhood Museum in the afternoon. did some sketching and took some pictures.
Thursday evening went to a lecture at the Last Tuesday Society. (at the back of the curiosity shop) from prof. Stephen Quirke, on the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Very interesting.
Then scrabble in the Royal Albert back in NewCross.
Friday morning went to meet Alice at the RCA and had a look round Ceramic Art London. Had a quick catch up with Tim Andrews, and a good look at everything including the RCA student work which was on display. a cup of tea later I'm at Paddington, absolutely exhausted and waiting to get on my train home.